It’s Been a While

Signs of lazinessI have been hard at work.  Honest.

But you couldn’t tell it by what I’ve published on my blogs lately.

A talk by a friend in church this morning reminded me that regardless of all the wonderful experiences I’ve been having, I have a responsibility to write them down.

As much as I embrace “living in the moment” or “present time,”  the truth is humans forget.  So we have to be reminded to remember.

It has been over eight months since I moved to Idaho.

It has been one of the most active and joy-filled periods of my life.  I love being with my dad, and I have relished every opportunity to spend time with my husband, and make new friends.

I never thought I would find a place on earth I thought is even more beautiful than Oregon.  (Sorry, Utah.)   But Idaho matches and exceeds all my ideals of beauty.

Chubbuck Idaho and surroundsTake a map of the USA.  Stick the sharp end of a compass in Chubbuck, Idaho, and draw a circle — I don’t care how small or how large — and you will see that I am truly smack dab in the center of natural and cultural beauty.

Ferris Wheel

Eastern Idaho State Fair

My husband and I made a promise to each other a couple of weeks ago, when we realized how long we had been here, and how quickly the summer had flown.  We are spending Mondays together.  We are going to take day-trips and see some of the sites we promised ourselves we’d visit.

Our first date was to Massacre Rocks.  I posted about that on my author’s website.

Our second date, last week already, was at the Eastern Idaho State Fair.  We “did” the fair, enjoying the animals and exhibits like a couple of kids.  We signed up for raffles, oohed and ahhed over the amazing quilts, ate huckleberry ice cream and “Tiger Ears” and strolled the midway.

I took some pictures, intending to post something to remember the day by.

If it had not been for Greg’s talk in church this morning, I might have forgotten.

Now, it’s already time to get ready for tomorrow’s date:  We’re going to Lava Hot Springs, and enjoy a soak, rain or shine.

Will I get as much work done, by taking a day to be with my husband?  Maybe not.  But I’ve noticed that when I put first things first — like Love and the Kingdom of Heaven — I never miss anything else I didn’t attend to.








3 thoughts on “It’s Been a While

      1. Patti Hall

        Yes, my folks have snow teasing them in Alaska too. Autumn seems too short in some places. We have so much rain usually, that fall gets washed away.

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